Event Detail

 Webinar: Mindfulness: Allowing Staff to Move Forward From A Place of Calm Amidst the Storm | AL & SNF | 9 - 11 AM

Sponsored by Select Rehabilitation, LLC, a WHCA Associate Business Partner!

Thursday, January 6, 2022


This session will reinforce that stress is inevitable and in fast-paced, high-demand places of work, feelings of anxiety, burnout, and fatigue are present. These feelings are a natural part of human nature but need not be permanent. Mindfulness action can be taken to soften, alleviate and allow calm, more present and active responses to anxiety, burnout, and fatigue by using brief (5 minute) techniques. These mindfulness practices are easy and effective and can be built into the workday without reduction in productivity for the purpose of a focused, productive response to situations beyond one’s control. With a combination of real-life examples, focused stories, and guided brief mindfulness activities, you will have an opportunity to try out simple mindfulness exercises during the session and discuss your personal response. Furthermore, time will be provided to discuss how to integrate these into daily life both for personal and professional uses.


$39 per facility              WHCA Member Rate

$78 per facility              Non-WHCA Member Rate

You may have as many people join in as you would like—one phone/computer may log in per registration! Please register only one person for the webinar unless a second individual plans to log in from a separate location.

Login and dialing instructions will be emailed on the day prior to the webinar.

Two CEUs will be granted to each individual who completes the live webinar presentation.


Dr. Ingrid Provident is a trained mindfulness facilitator and currently works as an Education Specialist for Select Rehabilitation. Her background includes clinical practice as an occupational therapist, academic educator, and fieldwork coordinator with over 30 years of experience. Dr. Provident holds various degrees including undergraduate degrees in occupational therapy and a master’s and Doctorate in Educational Leadership. She has presented in local, state, national and international venues. Dr. Provident is an engaging, dynamic speaker integrating the learners in the materials presented. She has a purposeful life agenda in maintaining occupational balance and engages in various avocational activities including traveling, quilting, kayaking, bike riding and enjoying friends and family.